Saturday, August 30, 2014

We Did Not Meet by Chance

      There are endless sayings and quotes that express how we feel about our friends and family. Some quotes are heartfelt, others are funny, and quite a few are sarcastic. That's because all relationships are unique, with good and bad days and depending on the moment at hand, there is surely a quote for it.  There are days we feel blessed to know someone, and we are delighted with the wonderful group of people around us. They genuinely care for us, and time after time prove they are there for us unconditionally.  Then, there are days we wonder how we ended up with such a dysfunctional group of relatives or friends who leave us feeling drained.  They only call you when they have a problem or only talk about themselves. 

I am currently reading Gary Zukav's Soul to Soul Communications from the Heart, and I was struck by something he wrote regarding relationships and the people in our lives:

"Souls agree to provide one another opportunities, in certain circumstances that might occur in the Earth school, to learn the lessons that each incarnates to learn and to give the gifts that each was born to give.  They do not know how their personalities will choose to respond, but they agree to provide the opportunities to make choices."

I have pondered this idea for a long time. If my soul, your soul, and their souls agreed to provide each other with learning opportunities from the moment of birth, then no one we meet is a stranger from the perspective of our souls.  And everyone, from our closest friend to our greatest enemy, agreed to interact in this life for a purpose.  How our personalities choose to react is entirely up to us. 

The concept has helped me become more self aware, and I approach each interaction as an opportunity to learn. I think, "this person, this conversation, this event is meant to teach me something. Pay attention, do not take it for granted." In turn, I am more present, more patient, and more open to new ideas, opinions, and advice. 

Mindful Moment:  It has taken me a while to change my way of thinking...I used to question why is this person in my life?  Slowly, I am coming to the realization that I am grateful for everyone I encounter.  From the kindest of souls to the most difficult of people in my life, I know he or she is here because I agreed to it. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Now and Forever ... A Tribute to my Son

At what point does a mother fall in love with her child? Is it at the exact moment she finds out she is pregnant? Is it once the baby is born and love at first sight? Maybe it's during the toddler years as the baby develops, or maybe the affection grows slowly and strongly through the years. It is suppose to be the greatest unconditional love felt between two people. How could it not?....when the tiny being you created is a part of you.  

For me, the love I feel for my son has flourished and transformed itself through the years. Those grueling 14 hours of labor and the pain of an emergency c-section were all worth it.  The moment I first held him, my heart melted.   It began as a sweet and tender emotion, full of fear and a desire to protect him at all hours. It was also a remarkable sense of pure joy with each new discovery he made. Every hug, every kiss, every I love you, we shared strengthened our tender, yet strong bond. I promised myself that he would always know how much he means to me.  

Even now, a few days before his fifteenth birthday, we are still close. Sure, he may not need me as much anymore, and it has been years since I read him a bedtime story. But now, our love is rainy afternoons full of hilarious card games, or when he tells me, “Mom, come watch a movie.” Even through the very difficult and patience-enduring teen years, I know I have shown him what it means to love.  I feel it in every spontaneous hug he gives me or when he reaches for my hand as I am driving. It’s in every Sunday morning pillow fight and in every “Mommmmmm” I hear throughout the day.  

I am not exactly sure of the precise moment in time when a mother falls in love with her baby, but I am sure that it must happen first to the mother so that the child feels cherished and in turn is able to love her back.  Love is more than a pretty house or a meal served. It is more than a new pair of shoes, clean laundry, or a ride home after school.  A mother's affection is like no other.  It is simultaneously the greatest gift and ultimate sacrifice.  

Mindful Moment:  Thank you for choosing me to be your mom. I promise to love you now and forever.