It's funny how many twists and turns a person's life can take before finally getting to where we want and need to be. Ever since my junior year in high school, I fell in love with writing. It allowed me to express myself creatively, and writing came easy to me. Once I graduated high school, I did not think twice about becoming an English major and four years later graduated with honors with a Bachelor in Arts. That same year in 1997, I got married, and a year later our baby arrived. I wanted to be able to raise our son and still earn a living, so I went to work with my father. I was able to work part-time, miss work if the baby was sick or come in late if he had given me a rough night. I was happy because this was an ideal situation for everyone involved. My mom would watch the baby in the morning, I earned enough money to cover diapers and formula, and my dad had someone there he could trust.
Once my son entered daycare, I was able to increase the number the days I worked and still attend all his important activities: Mommy and Me breakfasts, Halloween parades, Christmas shows, etc. By the time he entered elementary school, any plan for me to do any type of work with my degree was long forgotten. There were after school activities, homework, school projects, or just quality time together that took preference. I continued to work alongside my father shifting from customer service to accounting as he needed me until 2013, almost 14 years to the date of when I began. When he closed his company, I thought "Wow! I can retire." I had long since grown bored and exhausted of working at something I did not truly enjoy. The lack of creativity and mundaneness was killing me inside.
I had dedicated 14 years to a profession that was not my choosing. I performed it well, enjoyed the flexibility it allowed me, but it was also stifling my creativity until...a friend, asked me for help with his photography blog as a ghostwriter. I was a little hesitant and felt that my writing ability was too rusty. Basically, I was frightened. Afraid of change. Yet, once I realized it was not a change at all, but rather a "return with perfect timing." I agreed to help him out. I knew nothing of "blogging," but within hours of my first attempt at writing in years, I submitted my first blog. Within days, I my fingers were itching to write again....My second and third blogs, this time a bit longer, manifested themselves.
So I started thinking, why not create my own blog where I can express myself, share details about my life, all the while returning to my passion---writing. I must admit it still feels very strange. There is so much freedom in blogging, so many topics I can explore, that I feel like a canary whose cage door has been left open. I think, "Who will want to read what I have to say?” And I realize whether I have 5 readers or five thousand, it does not matter. What matters is that I am thrilled, after 15 years of putting my dreams aside, it is finally my turn, and the timing could not be anymore perfect.
Mindful Moment: Do you have a passion, but are too afraid to try it? Just when I had lost myself, my life took a turn pointing me in the direction I needed. I am not sure of what lies ahead, but the journey will be a great one....