Are we born with an innate sense of right or wrong that develops over time as we become self aware of our actions? Do we learn moral judgement from our parents? Does it becomes fine tuned by the environment we grow up in? I believe that while we all have a conscience which guides us through life, the strength of one's ego plays a critical role in how our conscience grows and matures.
A conscientious person has a strong inner light and a dim ego. They are able see the difference between right or wrong and make morally sound decisions that have a positive impact on themselves and on those around them. The decisions they make are for the good of everyone. They enjoy seeing everyone happy, safe, healthy, and prospering.
Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness.
Listen to it Carefully.
~ Richard Bach
On the other hand, a person who has a strong ego thrives on power, greed, and manipulation and has a very weak conscience. Their ego is destructive. They will stop at nothing to get what they want and hurt anyone along the way, even those close to them. Because they are cunning, they appear noble and caring, when in fact, they are a wolf in sheep's clothing. The ego's need to feel superior extinguishes their inner light. Any ability to know the difference between right or wrong is defeated to the point of non-existence. The ego grows more and more powerful with each selfish act. They make decisions to feed their ego and never feel remorse. They enjoy seeing everyone unhappy, fearful, and struggling.

The unconscientious thief does not care or think about the pain and suffering they cause, as long as they feel good. In their thwarted view of reality, they live a good life possibly full of material possessions and false friends. In truth, they are alone. While they are busy feeding their insatiable ego, they do not realize they are starving themselves of the right kind of wealth---family and love.
Mindful Moment: Conscience is defined as an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior. Whether I developed my conscience over time, through my parents example, or through nature, my inner light shines brightly. I am no one’s prey.
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