Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Little Soul Searching…A Few Lessons in Life

It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I began to read and learn about such things as karma, the soul, and how to live a better life.  I read books such as Miguel Angel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements which states that to create love and happiness in our lives we should:  
  • Be Impeccable with your word
  • Don’t take anything personal
  • Don’t make assumptions
  • Always do your best
It seems like such an easy task:  live a happy life.  Yet it isn’t.  We somehow manage to complicate things.  And the truth is, it is our own fault because we lose our focus. Reflecting on my own life and doing a little soul searching, I have come up with a few principles of my own to share with my son as he becomes a young man.  My blog, Mindful of the Everyday, now let's me share them with you.  

Principle #1:

Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a teacher.  I would pretend play with my friends, my dolls, and my stuffed animals.  I couldn’t wait to be a teacher!  I knew it, my family knew it.  When the time came, I graduated high school and entered college and graduated as an English major.  What was I thinking?  How could I not have majored in teaching?  Yes, I did well. Yes, I graduated Cum Laude.  But, I never taught.  Not a single day.  Instead, I became an Administrative Assistant and after 2 years, I left and went to work with my father.  For 14 years I worked in aviation.  Another, What was I thinking?  At the time, I saw it as a way out of being a secretary and convenient in raising a family.   

I made the mistake of not focusing on where my choices would lead me.  I was always so good in school.  I honestly loved it and received excellent grades.  I did my job well.  It was nice to be with my dad.  Those things I do not regret.

So, what I am trying to say is that when the time comes, choose wisely.  If you choose to work in something you love, in something that inspires you and makes you happy, you will look forward to getting up every day.  You will find that you will like many things. You may even do several things very well, but there is one that fills your heart with joy and satisfaction.  Pick that one. 

Principle #2:

Learn to play a musical instrument….  I wish I would have learned to play one.   I think it would have helped me in stressful situations.  Learning to play an instrument teaches you the importance of dedication and hard work and you will be proud of yourself. Music is an important part of life.  The more things that you learn accomplish, the more you will  be a well-rounded individual.  

Principle #3:

Play a sport.  Find an activity you love, and play your heart out. Maybe you like more than one, maybe you want to try them all.  You will fall, you will get bruises, and it will hurt like hell.  There may even be a trip or two to an emergency room.  You will be okay.

Principle #4:

I once heard Oprah mentioned that she kept a “gratitude” journal.  I thought that was such a fantastic idea.  Why should we wait until Thanksgiving Day to give “thanks” for all that we have in our lives?  We should be grateful everyday, even several times a day.  Wake up each morning and be thankful

Principle #5:

Give Love.  Love is the most powerful intangible gift we possess and often times we fail to share it with others because we assume they know how we feel.  This could not be any further from the truth.  It’s the little things that count. Small heartfelt gestures to express “you mean the world to me, I appreciate you in my life.” 

Principle #6:

Whenever you can, make it a habit to detach yourself from every bit of technology that has you tied to this world and step outside for a breath of fresh air.  That means leave behind your cell phone, video games, iPOD, iPAD, computer, and TV.  Take a drive to the beach or to a park and JUST SIT.  Be still, listen to your surroundings, close your eyes, and take deep breaths.  In this era, where just about anything and any place can be simulated, it is difficult not to get wrapped up in technology.  And while technology is an amazing thing, nothing can replace the peace of mind, body, and soul that you feel when you step into nature.  Disconnect—It will refuel you. 

Principle #7:

Help Others.  Whether it is a family member, a friend, or a stranger, if you see someone in need, help them.  The help they need may be in a physical form, such as, helping a friend move to a new home, or assisting a family member with a ride to the store, but help may also be listening to someone’s problem.  Offering someone your time is always appreciated.  Helping others is very rewarding and it will instantly fill you with happiness.  

Mindful Moment:  What valuable lessons have you learned from life? I would love for you to share yours.   These are my first seven, many more to come.

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